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News from the Chair


The Friends held the last coffee morning for 2023 on 16th December and as ever it was lovely to see so many people there supporting the hospital. It's a pleasure to hold these events and we're so grateful to all that attend and help us raise funds.

All 11 coffee mornings that we held, raised an amazing total of £2873.72 and its down to everyone's generosity that we've been able to do this. Especially at such a difficult time and where monies are tight.

Thanks to the Church for their continued support and to you all so much for your help this year. We've captured some photo's from the day below.

It just leaves me to say have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We'll be back in 2024 on the 3rd Saturday of every month 10AM till NOON at the Methodist Church in College Street


Dates as follows:

 Jan 20th - Feb 17th  - March 16th  - April 20th  - May 18th   - June 15th - July 20th  - Aug 17th - Sept 21th  - Oct 19th - Nov 16th  - Dec 21th

Kind Regards


Ceri JoyceChairman + Publicity & Marketing

Tel: 07977 191799Tel: 01278 323794Like us on FACEBOOK


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©2022 BY FRIENDS OF BURNHAM-ON-SEA WAR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - CHARITY NUMBER: 250027 - "needs that vary - support that doesn't"

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